sábado, mayo 31

Mmmm, interesting

I have found this searching on the Net, please have a look!!

www girlpower.gov/girlarea/bodywise/nutrition


jueves, mayo 8



  1. Match the revision tips and reasons
  1. Work out a revision timetable.
  2. Read through your notes and highlight the most important information.
  3. Prepare for the questions you find difficult.
  4. Make a list of your most common grammar mistakes and learn the rules.
  1. This will help you to make fewer mistakes.
  2. This will help you to organize your time and revise systematically.
  3. This will make your work clearer and easier to use when you are revising.
  4. This will help you to feel more confident about questions that you are worried about.


  1. When you take the exam, which things should you do? Which things shouldn´t you do? Write YES or NO.
  1. Make sure how many marks each question is worth. Decide how long to spend on each question.
  2. Spend a long time on the first question.
  3. Start with the question that you feel confident about. If you aren´t sure of an answer, go onto another question and come back to it later.
  4. Check that you have answered all the questions.
  5. Look at the context to guess the meaning of any important words that you don´t know.
  6. Try to translate every word in the reading text.
  7. Spend a few minutes planning your essay.
  8. Write an essay longer than the number of words given in the essay question.
  9. Leave time at the end to check your answers and do any questions that you left out.

lunes, abril 21

Day of the Book

Did you know that next April 23rd is the Day of the Book? And did you know that we celebrate it on this date because that´s the date in which Cervantes died? Ok, I want you to look for a anecdote of History happened on this date, an efemeride, or just something curious to say of it, e. g. in Catalonia they celebrate St. George (23rd) giving a rose and a book, to simbolize "The passion for reading". Good enough, right? Write it down and look for a picture of it on the internet to print together with your text, my mail box will be waiting for you next Wednesday!!

martes, abril 15


"British fashion in the last 10 centuries". Amazing, ain´t? I hope so, because tomorrow is the last day to write it... I´m waiting dear!!!

jueves, abril 10

Visiting the local Museum... At Last!!!!

We can go to the Museum next 14th, it begins an exhibition of worldwide historical costumes dating back from the 12th up to the 19th century.

You will be asked to pay attention to British costumes as you will have to write a composition on how fashion has evolved in the last ten centuries. The date to hand it up to me is next 16th.

Whenever you can, go to Secretary´s Office and pay the ticket (3€) to Manuel, he will be there at break time all this week

miércoles, marzo 26

Contraceptive Methods Lecture

Next Friday Bartolomé Díaz will come to the Centre to give a Lecture about Contraceptive Methods. We will meet at the Main Lounge at 11:00, to start at 11:15. In you have any question please write it down and give it to me before 28th, he will try to answer it after his lecture. So please don´t be late and don´t hesitate of asking because, remember, you all are welcome!!!

jueves, marzo 13

St. Patrick features Sherlock Holmes

As you already know, next March 17th is St. Patrick´s Day. We will have a surprise at the PATIO at break time, and to make it cool you have to come in a green top, please don´t forget!!! If you need it, write an alarm in your movile phone!!!